A Mother’s Story of Hope
Generously Shared by Rachel Brasher Durko
I have raised my sweet girl now for 12 years. She detoxed for 3 long months at Children’s Hospital. They said she wouldn’t talk, she was on the spectrum, she would be crippled with sensory issues, etc.
Blah. Blah. Blah. There have been some TOUGH seasons and many sleepless nights worrying about her future.
Is the journey easy? No.
Are there long term effects? Yes. (Don’t fool yourself.)
Does it get better? YES!
Is it worth it? Heck, YES!
Will they fall into a “normal” life? They will fall into THEIR normal. (What’s normal anyway?!)
Does she struggle in school? Yep. Expect many tutors in your future.
Does she struggle in social situations? Sometimes. But in the most innocent way and is rarely phased by it.
My 1st piece of advice. Don’t accept the “labels” other than using them for resources. She has outgrown 90% of her struggles in time. Find the root issue and get therapy/counseling/tutor for that specific thing. Work hard, and most of it you can overcome with time and clear guidance and professional advice to follow. Routines are vital!
My most important piece of advice- They are SO SPECIAL! Watch for the areas where THEY shine and don’t put too much focus on the areas they don’t. What will come, will come in time. What won’t come, won’t. Trust me when I say- it took me a LONG time to come to this point. We have in our mind what is “normal” and trying to cram these sweet babies into that box will only frustrate you and them. They have a gift- find it and celebrate it!
My daughter’s issues like fearlessness, no sense of consequences, misjudgment of cause and effect, hyperactivity, trouble noticing social cues, sensory seeking, lack of confidence, dyslexia, academic struggles; Put this girl on a horse, and all of those “issues” quickly become her “strengths”. Find your child’s “horse”. It’s important! Extracurriculars are where they shine! We started in gymnastics at age 2. We tried it all and landed with horses at age 5 through a therapeutic riding program. Now, she lives for riding. All the things that are obstacles in the classroom, she overcomes at the barn. Its her safe place that helps her overcome the hard places.
Again, it’s not easy and some seasons are LONG. Sleep is a gift and continually advocating for your child is imperative. But wow, are they worth it! I wouldn’t change being her mom for anything in the world! Hang in there and try to worry less! They’ve got this! Or better yet, God’s got this!