IS METHADONE REALLY SAFE FOR BABIES? It’s time for mothers to be told the whole truth.

NOTE: We recognize that for some women, using methadone or buprenorphine during pregnancy may be the best option for managing opioid use disorder. At the same time, we acknowledge that exposing a fetus to any opioid, including methadone and buprenorphine, carries risks. The information presented on this website is intended to provide insight and does not seek to support or discourage the use of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Our goal is to empower individuals with knowledge so they can make informed decisions in consultation with their healthcare providers.

“METHADONE IS SAFE(r than non-prescribed opioids) FOR BABIES!”

After reading yet another headline promoting the safety of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD aka MAT Medication-Assisted Treatment), followed by several deep breaths to help regulate the scream getting ready to launch, I turn to my laptop to express my frustration in a more constructive way.


  • Safety is relative. 

  • Prescribed drugs that keep Mom from using illicit substances during pregnancy are less harmful to the fetus. 

  • Keeping Mom from overdosing on untested street drugs by supplying prescription opioids is much better for the baby inside her.

Prenatal methadone exposure affects the brain and behavior of the child growing inside. Negative effects are very often seen in the child’s visual and immune systems. This exposure creates DNA changes that affect the heart, liver and kidney. Methadone is linked to decreased fetal growth and damage to brain development.*

So while MOUD and MAT are the very best answer for many pregnant women suffering from Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), and they provide safety to mom and baby against overdose and death, I disagree that any opioids used during pregnancy are safe.

When will women being prescribed MOUD be told the truth? Who will inform them that a mild withdrawal at birth has no connection to the long term outcomes for the child? All prenatal opioid exposure is risky. And while the risk may oftentimes be the right choice, it is still a risk.

Today’s headline stating MOUD’s safety during pregnancy refers to a study published online in the Journal of the American Medical Association.** It tracked 8,695 pregnant individuals. That’s 8,695 babies that did not experience their mother’s overdose or death. Having methadone, buprenorphine and naloxone available for pregnant women with OUD is crucial. However, that leaves 8,695 babies with prenatal opioid exposure and the known long term consequences that go along with it.

The authors of this study also disclosed ties to the pharmaceutical industry.**

This is the same industry that convinced us that OxyContin was safe. Is it in the best interest of our society to publish misleading headlines like this?

*Adegboyega, O., Gayen nee’ Betal, S., Urday, P. et al. DNA methylation patterns in umbilical cord blood from infants of methadone maintained opioid dependent mothers. Sci Rep 14, 17298 (2024).
**Straub L, Bateman BT, Hernández-Díaz S, et al. Comparative Safety of In Utero Exposure to Buprenorphine Combined With Naloxone vs Buprenorphine Alone. JAMA. 2024;332(10):805–816. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.11501

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